Thursday, October 3, 2013

Sterling Tian Week 4 Finish

I'm lagging a little behind on these.  I'll get to work on another before the week ends.  Any criticism helps!  I feel like I'm loosing direction...


  1. Overall looking good. I like that you're editing the bground a little so you're not copying. Becareful of just copying tones on the figure without resolving form issues. Rib cage planes and hip insertion planes are unclear and feel mushy. Really look at the planes there. It's better to make em obvious in a sketch and use them as guides. I darkened your shadows a bit. Probably could have pushed it more. Find the average width of things. You lost some of your connection points in the arms. Mostly because the clavicle/shoulder girdle was not resolved.

    You'r lay-in/ sketch should have these questions resolved. It's better to lightly sketch in more info and edit them out than it is to just wing it and have a lot of ambiguous areas. The more you do this the easier it gets and the better you get at eyeballing planes. Big planes to smaller planes.

    Hope this helps :) Rock on

  2. Thanks Brian. I remember you giving me tips for working on thumbnails/ developing a tonal plan. Any tips for strengthening my lay-ins?

  3. Slowing down. Spend more time on it. Lay -ins = Blueprints. Give yourself the best blueprints possible. There should be enough info in the lay in so that you can continue without the model or reference.
