Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Long figure study 2

Was really struggling when making a new one long study. Even with the new notes, but I'm gonna keep working at it.

Simplify tones.  Have a tone plan.


  1. Good start. I would recommend simplifying your value plan ( easier when you have thumbnail drawings ), and paying closer attention to bone structure and angles. Once that is correct, you can add appropriate overlaps. There's too much rendering at this point. Slow down more and simplify your shapes. Make sure the head angle is correct.

    Good job, keep going!

    1. Thanks again. I do indeed get caught up in detail when I think it's helping. Maybe I'll work with a larger brush to force me to avoid all the knit picking.

  2. I agree with Brian. I suggest painting zoomed out at first to force yourself to not get into the details. Seeing the broader tones of the figure will lead to a more structured painting.

    Also, I strongly believe that painting on a white background makes it difficult to gauge contrast and values in the figure.

    Keep it up!

    1. Very much appreciated. I'll be sure to apply that on my next piece. It seems That working on a darker background would have been common sense to me but I guess not haha. I'll definitely try that next time
