Friday, September 6, 2013

Karuvan Week 1

First post for the Blog. I'm getting used to trying to do these studies digital. This is only 3 hours. a lot of picking  I was doing. looking at other post I'm thinking it would be better for me to have shown all the steps


  1. Hey, dude! Nice painting, I think it's very accurate to the reference. I would suggest, if I may, that you put some darker tones in the background. All that white in the background will effect how you see tones in your painting. You may also get more contrast with your highlights if your background isn't white too.

    Keep it up!

    1. I will try that out definitely! Very much appreciated insight.

  2. Overall good job! A few things to think about.
    Tonally it's good in that, your values are not spotty. Shadow and light groups are working. Try to compose the image in a thumbnail format with 3 to 4 tones.

    Spend a little more time on the lay -in ( Gesture shape and proportion ) Get big angles first. Make sure those are nailed down before going in and adding in form. Shoulder, hip and weight relations should be working even before going into the 3dimensional aspect of your drawing. You got 5hrs, the more time I have on a pose the more time I spend designing my lay in. Remember it's the blue print for your drawing and it gives you a "good" start.

    Don't worry about form until you have enough information in the lay in. If you have a good lay in, the model could walk away and you should still be able to continue drawing.

    Hope this helps. Onto the next. :) Good Job!

    1. Definitely will help. I'll definitely make sure to take all this into account when I start another one. And the breakdown helps a ton! Seeing it this way makes me understand so much more to an extent where I feel it is more obvious now. Thanks a lot once again.
