Monday, September 30, 2013

LP Study Wk9 P1

Here's the Lay in and tonal plan.
I'm not rendering yet.  I want a good
overall drawing.  Just making little form notes here and


  1. Hi Brian, I feel that tonal plans aren't all that useful when I add tones during rendering to get reflected light and other tones. Am I missing a step when I step into rendering from the lay-in? I use the tonal plan mostly as a thumbnail to get proportions down with the lay-in.

  2. I love your lay in! i would really love to see the previews construction drawing, maybe a video or a livestream?

  3. @ Sterling Tian : There's no step missing. The point of the value plan is to teach value grouping and how to organize and simplify value. At this early stage you shouldn't be thinking about reflected lights and highlights unless that organizes into the 3 to 4 value plan. I would recommend doing studies with a black permanent marker ( sharpie ) and one gray tone. That's three values right there. The white of your paper, gray, and black. I think you're running into problems because you're thinking about blending. The image should have a clear design with no blending. You can still get the idea of major gradations with no blending. The key is learning to simplify and organize your values.

    @ Miguel Valderrama: Thanks, I'll do one someday. The lay-ins are done like I would if drawing traditionally. I lightly sketch in my shapes( rely on pen sensitivity digitally ) I erase as needed. Once my shapes and centerlines are clear, I go in and do a form pass. Most of the time in the shape and gesture process, I have enough clues drawn so the form part is a little easier than if I were to draw form to form. After that it's all adjusting and designing until I feel it's ready for a value pass.
